Monday, June 22, 2009

That New Home Smell

As some of us know (hopefully all) this past weekend was fathers day. So in honour of that my dad drove 350km to come hang out with me in London. We spent the Friday hanging out, buying groceries (because im poor) having a beer and talking about the news.

Later that night we sort of planned out the days events for Saturday, while watching the first episode of season 13 ...breath... of TOP GEAR!

Side Bar: Basically the best show there is. I recently found out that they get half a BILLION viewers per show worldwide. Pretty amazing.

Anyhow, the plan was: hit the mall so i can figure out what kinds of tea would taste best for my new brand (Still in progress), maybe see a movie, and what ever. We get to the huge shopping centre and i find a little tea house to check out. The lady helping me was awesome. My dad ended up walking to the Real estate agent. He's a big fan of House shopping. After i was finished up i joined him and we ended up going to see a house (based on a small idea i had the other day). Before i know it, im checking out the parameter of an ammmmaaazzzzing bungalo, which i toootally want!

Things are in motion to get the house. All in all, a pretty good fathers day!

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